Thursday, January 24, 2013

What do prominent scientist & thinkers of our time have to say about TVP, TZM, etc.

It's been a while since I've been wondering: if the main proposal of TVP is to use the scientific method to solve social problems, then why is it that no prominent scientists/thinkers have been drawn to support it publicly?

Anyone has any thought on this?

Supposing some of those people are even aware of TVP: what is it that prominent scientists & thinkers of our time see that most of us don't about the flaws of the proposals of TVP?

Those people are really smart, so I think it would be nice to hear a strong attack from scientists and thinkers on those flaws.

As of today I haven't read or heard of any recognized intellectual associating himself with TVP, there must be a reason, other than not being aware of it, right?

Please let me know if have any useful information on why TVP has almost no support from the scientific community.